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RE: Carlsen Audi

OK, OK...I've been watching this discussion.  WHO is LINDA? WHO is CARLSEN?
Do they REALLY sell parts at a good price? Are they factory or aftermkt? Are
there parts to go to them for and parts to stay away? What about PAP
in Atlanta?

Lindsey B.
Still Proud New Owner of 85 4KSQ STILL needing lots of parts

At 05:27 PM 9/16/96 -0400, you wrote:
>For that matter, next Valentine's Day, let's bury her with roses. I'm
>Ian Duff, 1990 Coupe quattro 20v, Red/Black
>>Subject: 	Re: Carlsen Audi
>>Re: Linda
>>Dave count on me to chip in on flowers.  Linda is super in my book.
>>>Best thing is to fax yer order, then call. She is always busy in the AM. One
>>>of these days I'll surprise her with flowers - courtesy of all of us...
>>>********************************AUDI FAN***********************************
>>>                                       EMCM(SW) Dave Head  
>>>87 5KCSTQ 176K miles and counting... 1.9 bar boost - Whee!
>>>                                              Maitland, Florida
>>   Bob
>>*  Robert L. Myers         rmyers@wvit.wvnet.edu>  *
>>*  Rt. 1, Box 57            304-574-2372           *
>>*  Fayetteville, WV 25840                          *
>>*  Obligatory quattro and sleddog-L references:    *
>>*  My 3 huskies enjoy riding in my '89 200TQ       *