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Re: 4KQ top front stress bar: Sources?

Leigh Anderson wrote:
> Does anyone know of a shop that has experience making top front stress
> bar for a 4KQ ('85).  Can't find any off-shelf sources, e.g. Neuspeed is
> a no.
> Back in '91 archives a person w/ handle of bazooka! noted a shop in
> Campbell CA called MotoTech or something like that, but there was no
> such listing in dir assist.
> Ideas anyone?  10/18 PIR track day w/ NW Quattro club coming up fast.
> Leigh Anderson
> leigh_anderson@mentorg.com


This discussion came up a couple of months back.  I seem to recall
somebody saying (Pat Martin?) that a stress bar for a Jetta would fit if
you didn't mind not being able to take the top off of the brake MC. 
Care to confirm or deny this Pat?

If you find anything special, let me know.  I tried once with an
original Audi part designed for a TQC.  It didn't work . . . I had
clearance problems with the positive terminal of the battery.  While it
was _supposed_ to be welded into place, it wasn't exactly the method
that I had in mind! <grin>


Gary G. Erickson            Member #82 NW Audi Quattro Club
Business Solution Integrators, Inc.
503-702-5789                  e-mail: erickson@teleport.com