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RE: there's a puddle under my car
What happened to the one on my 91 200q was that the plastic outlet that the
hose goes over on the front housing became brittle and broke off just below
the hose clamp. I decided to put in a new one - paid full dealer price of
mike miller
From: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of michael mulholland
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 1996 8:14 AM
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: there's a puddle under my car
bummer, went out to get the morning paper and noticed a green puddle under
my 86cdtq. a look under the hood reved the leak. it's the turbo cooling
pump. are these rebuildable or do they just get replaced?
tia mike
Cyclops Bicycles
Ph. (604) 545-5644 Fax (604) 545-1167