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Re: (Fwd) Radar/Laser Love......

Royal,Paul wrote:
> Subject:  (Fwd) Radar/Laser Love......
> I did take some liberties on my vacay....AND I figure I'm WAY
> overdue.....a friend of mine who knows my driving swears that WHEN and
> not IF I get busted I'll get it big....his scenario:
> I'll be going over 100 mph......
> I'll be drunk........
> There'll be beer bottles rolling around on the floor.....
> and I'll have a naked 16 year old in the back seat........
> Let's hope not!!!!!!!!!!
> Royal

Paul _Royal_.... are you sure the last name isn't "Kennedy"?

Todd Candey                       89 90q 
Elk Grove Village, IL             81 4k 5+5
USA                               85 4ksq