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Fwd: 91 200 Q Fuel pump

>My question to you guys--do you know of any technical reason to choose 
>one over the other? i.e. was the update setup better in any way (no 
>more buzzing when it's hot or something like that)?


BTDT last year with my sister in laws '90 100q.  I went with the old 
version from BLAUFergunen for $199.00.  I recall the dealers and Linda 
only selling the new version at that time.  I believe it had just come 
out, so I believe Linda was following the "superseeding" philosophy.  
The old one worked fine and continues to work fine.

My SiL only had one situation which I don't know if it was fuel pump 
related, but while driving the car sputtered like hell, slowed down, 
but regained strength and has been fine since.  Cheap gas, water in the 
mixture?  Who knows.

89 200tqw