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Re: Brake Pad warning light

On Wed, 25 Sep 1996 SOP8920@Siena.edu wrote:

> Hey all,
>     It's been a while since I've written in. Just lurking for a bit.. too busy
> with school and all that jazz. Here's the current thing-a-ma-jig:
> Intermittantly I have this symbol flash on the dash LCD. "(0)" No.. it's not a
> bizarre smiley. As I recall, this light is for the brake-pads? Sometimes the

Yep, that sounds like the pad warnign light.

> Since the car just passed inspection (and had a complete all the way around
> brake job 1.5 yrs ago) I don't think it's the actual brake pads. I should go
> look, huh? 

Yep, my last set of pads lasted just over one year (about 20,000 miles) 
with only one 4-run track Solo II.  The rest was street use.  :-)  (heavy 
street use...)

Later, ---------------------------------------------------------- 
Graydon D. Stuckey 	'85 Mazda RX7 GS, no toys 
graydon@apollo.gmi.edu 	'86 Audi 5000 CS Turbo Quattro, has toys
Flint, Michigan USA	'89 Thunderbird SC, lotsa toys