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The lovely Trisha Bethen, unsatisifed with the limited coverage of her handy 
little Jellied-gasoline projector, suddenly discovers that the adjuster had been
factory set in the "thin-stream" mode; and reaching down, cranks that baby over 
to "WFO," squeezes the igniter and writes:

[ Whooooossssshhh... ]

> You are all rude.

And Yer Kindly ol' Unka Bart, disconsolate at having *his* tail-feathers singed 
even though he didn't participate in the exchange of mindless drivel about 
whether or not "NASCAR drivers" is an oxymoron; suddenly discovers that his 
precarious situation is worse than he thought.

He doesn't even have a quarter.  Curses, he mutters, now he can't even *call* 
someone who <might> give a roncid rodent's posterior!

But Please, he implores you all, don't let that disuade anyone who feels 
inexplicably compelled to add to this fascinating thread from doing just that.

Heaven forfend!  I, for one, an enjoying the exercise.  At least, for the "CMD" 
and "D" keys...

Yer Kindly ol' Unka Bart