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roadside repair (& nascar ha ha ha ha ha ha)
-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --
First, the Audi content:
I pulled out of my driveway onto the highway yesterday, like I do every
morning at 2 PM, and when I shifted into second at 5500, the engine died!
Well as a driver of old audis, I'm used to this, but still, it was tiresome.
I coasted into the breakdown lane and elevated the universal sign of
automotive cultists everywhere (my hood) since the engine wouldn't catch
after I stopped.
I was looking for that (credit prev lister) big switch that says on/off...
since I didn't want to push my car 1/4 mile back to Carworks or tow it.
I don't know why I looked at it but... the coil wire had popped off the
distributor cap! So I "expertly" repaired my falled Audi at the side of the
road with my bare hands and kept on driving! I believe the rule is that we
each get *one* easily repaired loose wire disablement per lifetime.
Second, the thread that wouldn't die:
<heavy snippage> Shaun Mullen said...
[that] dialogue should be determined according to certain Politically
Correct rules of engagement (notice that I did not say censorship), is far
more offensive
Since when have politeness or appropriate content been offensive?
This is the AUDI list. I want stock cars I go watch 'em for free next door.
... (cool)
and I always thought this list *did* have "rules of engagement", the price
of admission... no commerce (?) Audi content encouraged, fairly clean
language, etc. there are plenty of un-PC places on the 'net for people who
need them. This one tends to be devoid of racism, sexism (occasional
snicker!), religious, ethnic, political, or even economic bias - which I
find refreshing.
[I just read Steven Buchholz' lengthy reply to Shaun's post & I think it a
model of reasoning...]