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knock sensors
Recently I've been experiencing the symptom of a bad knock sensor on my
1990 Coupe. The check engine light comes on at about 3500 rpm. The
"code" idicates a faulty sensor. On my car I have 2 sensors so I
measured the resisitance from each pin to the other. I then made the
same measurements again except reversing the polarity of the meter
(swapping the probes) just in case there are semiconductors inside the
sensor. In any case, I measure an infinte resisitance between any 2 pins
on both of the sensors. I am telling you this because I find it
difficult to believe that both sensors on my car can fail at the same
time. I think it may be a bit more complex to ascertain the
functionality of the knock sensors with just an ohmeter. Tomorrow, I
intend to use my oscilloscope and monitor all of the signals with respect
to ground and see if there is any signal while the sensor is connected to
the computer. My other thought is that these sensors may be
piezoelectric elements. They may need a positive and negative power
source with the output signal being referenced to the negative supply
(ground) thus necessitating the 3 wires.
I hope this gives you some ideas. I'll let you know the results of my
measurements tomorrow. If you figure anything out, I'd like to hear what
you find. By the way, I fired this question off to the "group" a couple
of weeks and got not one response.
Good luck.