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Re: Climate control (or lack thereof)

Wing windows.....brings back memories, Never forget the way the wings
on my '71 Lotus Cortina (biggest wing windows I ever saw..12" at the base)
would vibrate as the engine came up on 8500rpm,  wings were very important
in cars in the tropics without air conditioning.
I always had them wide open.
Had to in Jamaica.
I say, bring them back

Robin Samms
Seattle, WA
95? S6W, 83 4KQ

> From: Paul Ernst Meyer <heino@ix.netcom.com>
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Climate control (or lack thereof) 
> Date: Friday, September 27, 1996 7:22 PM
> All,
>     That is something that I miss from my '81 5ks.  One could manually 
> open or close the vents letting air in or keeping it out.   My '9o 200t 
> requires using the climate control.   No real difference, but it bugs 
> me.  Two other words: Wing Windows.   Last year while the old car was 
> still running and while I was still dating my Ex, she asked me about 
> wings.   Turns out she never saw them before!   I'm not suggesting 
> bringing them back, but damn, I liked those things....
> '90 200t, 123k
> '81 5ks, 183k (R.I.P.)