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Re: bypass over boost..who is next?

> If ya wanta play - you gots to pay... Considering my experiences at 2.0+ bar
> with a malfunctioning wastegate - spark knock and intercooler seals - 1.8 is
> pushing it with an otherwise stock system. I'm running a Charlie Spring and
> an EPROM modified to raise the cutoff to 1.95 bar (been there, tested it -
> it works!). I wouldn't consider going above 1.9 without mods to the
> intercooler or a custom and Ned's chip (cause I could get him to fool with
> it as I raised the ante w/more mods...)

1.95, let me guess, 0xF8 in the fool cutoff table; at least, that's what
I have in mine.

I am using the pressure regulator on the wastegate method of boost increase...
I see the occasional 1.9, whatever that means since the guage is very
inaccurate.  I'm working on fixing that **** guage.  Now it reads 1.0
before starting, better than the 0.9 it originally read.  A fix for a low
reading guage _may_ be as simple as a 4.7k potentiometer in the line
to the computer (one end to MAC11B, the other to ground and wiper to the
trip computer).

I'm still working on decoding the MAC11B.  A boost upgrade may well be
as simple as reprogramming the table which activates the wastegate
