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Re: FW: 5 1/4 Inch Headlights
>Thought you might be interested in the reply!
>Nigel Banks
>NBanks@MerlinFalcon.co.uk Tel: (+44) 1628 771772
>Merlin Falcon Ltd Fax: (+44) 1628 771779
>From: todd candey[SMTP:tcandey@wwa.com]
>Sent: 1 October 1996 16:38
>To: Nigel Banks
>Subject: Re: 5 1/4 Inch Headlights
>Nigel Banks wrote:
>> Dear Todd,
>> I posted the following a message to the q-list which you may well have seen.
>Actually, I did see the post, but I had really not thought about it.
>Doesn't mean it can't be done though...
>Maybe this winter when things slow down, I'll have some time to devote to
>new projects.
>In the meantime, any info or picture you could get me would certainly
>help the process.
>Todd Candey The Composite Garage
>271A Greenboro Ct. 89 90q
>Elk Grove Village, IL 85 4ksq
>USA 81 4K 5+5
Hi Nigel/Todd
Keep me posted and I will keep my eyes open. I imagine something along the
lines of the Twin Headlamp upgrades currently available for many European
cars, using a plastic surround mounting Two Cibe light units would be the
idea? These are normally shaped to match the old headlamp unit, and then
the plastic is colour coded to match the car. They look good on some cars,
but Crap on others. Anybody out there any good at design, fancy doing some
mock drawings? The best ones I have seen are for the Escort Cosworth.
They use two light units per side. One is a 5 1/4 and the other is smaller
(Similar to the Golf GTI). They are also slightly prominent because of the
curvature of the car.
Considering the interest in "Euro" Headlights by the Us members of the
list, I think this could be a good selling product if the design is right.
I will copy this to the list to see what sort of responses come back.
Ian Gregory
'88 90q (For Sale)
'84 Ur-q
Fax : (UK) 115 913 5129
Email : quattro@innotts.co.uk
a quattro is for Life, not just for Christmas!