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re: strange warning in 90q
Re the strange temp warning:
The only time my car has failed me yet was when I was on the motorway last
December, when suddenly the temp guage went to the max and the 'overheat'
warning flashed. I switched off immediately and coasted to a halt on the
hard shoulder. The automatic fan hadn't come on, and the engine didn't feel
hotter than usual, coolant and oil levels were OK, no coolant overflow. The
WW (our local AAA) diagnosed that the semp sender was RIP. I urged the guy
to put the fan on 'permanently on' just in case. Made the run home with the
annoying and disconcerting flashing lights. Replacing the sender the next
day fixed it. It hasn't come back yet, and the car always runs below 90deg
C, no matter what weather it is. 'They all do that' was the WW guy's
comment. The temp sender had become porous and was 'sweating' coolant.
1988 80 1.8S
PS When driving my car to the dealer for a service sometime last year, I
noticed that the temp guage didn't register anything. A few bangs on the
dash made it go up a bit; dealer fixed it at no cost. Probably forgot to
fasten a connctor when they took the dash apart for fixing the
non-functioning dash lights. (It took them three tries to get all dash
lights working again, and now the steering wheel is on slightly off-centre)
Tom W. Nas, graphic design tnas@dtpdirect.nl
DTP Direct bv Voice +31 (55) 5 790 799
Apeldoorn, the Netherlands Fax +31 (55) 5 790 125
Pianisten nemen altijd plaats achter de piano. Pianofabrikanten weten dat
en houden er ook rekening mee. Daarom zit het toetsenbord aan de achterkant.
Het is even zoeken, maar het went op den duur wel.
---Herman Finkers "EHBO is mijn lust en mijn leven"