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Re: Stabilizer Bar Mounts

Bob D'Amato wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Sep 1996, GREG CIRILLO wrote:
> > I've been told by an Audi dealer that my rear stabilizer bar mounts (1991,
> > 90Q, 20V) require service of an unspecified nature.  When the back of
> > the car becomes unloaded (braking at low speeds or just lifting up at the
> > rear wheel well when stationary), there is a heavy metallic "doink"  (Just a
> > thought: We should generate a list of car sounds at an ftp site so we can
> > refer to them!).
> >
> > It's clearly a rear suspension problem.  Has anyone experienced this?  If
> > so, what is the cause, and could a reasonably handy person -me- fix it with
> > standard tools?
> >
> YES! Same car same noise! Its the springs making noises in the perches.
> Easy fix though (sorta) Get an old inner tube, take out your springs, cut
> the inner tube to size, and put it on the tops and bottoms of the
> springs. The noise WILL go away. Lubricating wont help a bit either..
> BobLeave it to Bob to inform us of how using non-lubricated rubber materials 
can solve unexplainable noise problems.

Todd Candey                         The Composite Garage
271A Greenboro Ct.                       81 4k 5+5    
Elk Grove Village, IL                        85 4ksq
60007               USA                          89 90q