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Tire replacemant questions

Dear Audi Fans,

It seems like my car need a new set of tires(because of the frequently long 
distance travel since I transfer to another univeristy). I believe, from 
the list memebrs' experience, the Dunlop D60A2 is probably my best choice.
So, before I order the tires for my Audi, I have a several questions that 
need to be make clear first. 

My Audi('87 5kcst) is now wearing the 205/60-15, but I've seen most of 
5kcstq wear 215/60-15. So, my first question is: Is that possible for my 
Audi to wear 215/60-15? Do I have to worry about wheels(6jx15) on my Audi 
that not wide enough?

Secondly, is that all Dunlop D60A2s are now come with the JLB or they sell 
differently(such as the price different between those D60A2s JLB and 
non-JLB, etc)?   


Albert Ng
'87 5kcst

P.S I'm glad to rejoined the Quattro List. :>