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Re: FW: 85 5ks window lift thing-a-ma-bobber-doer

LeDuc, Eugene A. wrote:
>  ----------
> From: LeDuc, Eugene A.
> To: quattro
> Subject: 85 5ks window lift thing-a-ma-bobber-doer
> Date: Tuesday, October 01, 1996 12:25PM
> The window lift mechanisms on both front doors are dead... It's actually the
> cable that has fatigued. Are these cables replaceable or do I need to
> replace the whole enchilada   er ah  schnitzel?  I suppose the other
> question would be:  Can the average Hannes replace it?
> Did you ever go through a drive through an not be able to open the window?
> Gives a whole new significance to DUH?Eugene: While the window regulators may be bad, I would look at 
the window swiches in the doors. In 90% of the cases they go 
Good luck, Pablo