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re:first oil change

THANK YOU!!!!!!  Thank you for your insight.  This puts my mind at ease
about waiting until the 7500 mile mark to change the oil.  I think I'll
stick with the factory program.  Any comments about when or when not to use
synthetic oil (i.e. Mobil 1, etc.)?

Achille Riviello
83 4000s, 200+k miles,
96 A4Q, 156 miles,
HK P7M13
"In a world of compromise, some don't"--HK

***********************READ THIS!!!!!****************

At 10:10 AM 10/2/96 -0400, Vincent Shek wrote:
>Here is a repost from rec.autos.makers.vw.watercooled.  The arthur of
>the article, Randy Hubbard works at RACEWARE:
wstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail Tue Jul 30 12:42:50 1996
>From: raceware1@aol.com (RACEWARE1)
>Newsgroups: rec.autos.makers.vw.watercooled
>Subject: Re: 7500 miles?
>Date: 29 Jul 1996 16:48:18 -0400
>Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
>Lines: 54
>Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
>Message-ID: <4tj82i$334@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
>References: <ElzD44y00YUr15=Eo0@andrew.cmu.edu>
>Reply-To: raceware1@aol.com (RACEWARE1)
>NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
>Hi Calvin,
>I don't know how long you have been following this user's group, but
>several months ago, I was engaged in a lengthy debate on this subject,
>because my '96 Passat VR6 Owner's Manual said exactly what your's says:
>The First Oil Change is to be performed AFTER 7,500 miles.
>At times this became a VERY heated discussion as some people have almost
>religious experience when it comes to engine oil. I will spare you the
>hostility, insults, and name calling that dominated most of the
>>From my perspective as an automotive engine design engineer, working with
>the car companies and professional race teams for the past 25 years, I
>chose to change my oil at 7,500 miles as mandated by VW. I have
>this subject with quality control and lubrication engineers at VW U.S. &
>in Germany. Last month I was at VW's engine plant in Salzgitter, Germany
>and I specifically inquired about the "break-in oil" used as a factory
>fill on these engines. As I have posted elsewhere online, the factory
>has additional additives to eliminate cold start wear, and prevent
>corrosion. The oil is NOT standard "over-the-counter" engine oil.
>By working with the engineers and quality assurance folks at VW, I was
>aware that VW/Audi & reportedly BMW have all experience problems with
>customers who change their oil before the specified interval. The
>difficulty that customers experienced is high oil consumption. This is a
>direct result of the piston rings not being "seated" or perfectly worn
>into the cylinders, as normally occurs during the first several thousand
>miles of operation. By changing the oil prematurely, from the factory
>fill, the ring seating operation seems to take much longer, and in some
>cases, appears to never fully occur. This is the reason VW changed it's
>first oil drain from 7,500 miles or 6 months in 1995, to 7,500 miles or
>months for the '96 models. VW wants you to keep the factory fill in
>the piston rings are fully seated. After that you can change it at 7,500
>mile increments, or everyday if you are inclined :-) 
>You have no reason to be concerned about "gunk" in your new engine, as
>your oil filter will catch and hold any debris large enough to cause
>appreciable wear. (BTW, if you could see how clean the engines are
>assembled in Salzgitter, you wouldn't blink an eye at going 7,500 miles
>the factory fill).
>The decision is yours, and don't count on your dealer for help, as most
>them haven't read the Owner's Manuals and often provide inaccurate
>information, unfortunately. Maybe someday more of the dealers will take
>interest in QUALITY customer service.
>Hope this information proves useful to you.
>On the 'Bahn,
>Randy, a.k.a. BoltMeister
>****Check out VW Interests at HTTP://HOME.AOL.COM/RACEWARE1****
>Vincent Shek 
>mailto:vincent@algorithmics.com -- Toronto, Canada