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Engine vacuum leak?

In message <199610030226.WAA28169@mail-e2b.gnn.com> i6941TB@gnn.com writes:

> >> A recent post by STEADIRIC suggests that if engine runs when dipstick is
> >> pulled this may indicate a vacuum leak.
> >> I have two cars with the same engine...5 cylinder NF.
> >> The 87 5KS will continue running when the oil filler cap is removed.
> My 200 stumbles/runs rough on the dipstick test and dies on the oil filler 
> cap test. Do you think I have a leak? It runs very strong otherwise. 

No, that's pretty good.  A leak shows as _no_ stumble when the dipstick is
pulled.  A _really_bad_ leak lets the engine continue running when the oil 
filler cap is removed.

(Voice of experience ...)

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club