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Re: N.E. Listers Gathering

In a message dated 96-10-02 09:16:23 EDT, cngnyec@nyc.pipeline.com (Mike)

> I would like to invite all Audi owners with a special eye
>to you Q & TQC owners out there.  I often say that I think NH has the most
>TQCs east of the Mississippi, this could be a chance to prove it.  (Besides
>I know who you are! Chris S, Chris S x2, Rich, Bryan, RDH, Bill B, Glen

Sounds like a plan! Sign me up, preferably on a Sunday...Bear Notch Rd is a
must drive!

-Chris Semple
Concord, NH
     '87 4000csq
          '84 4000sq
               '83 TQC
                   '83 TQC