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Re: Bras

Alan Cordeiro wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> Try Victoria's Secrets - they have an excellent selection, see-thru,
> fishnet, velour, tear-off, even edible!
> >>
> >> -glen
> >>
> >
> >Ummm. glen? How exactly do you know so much about bra's?? :) Is there
> >something your not telling us? :)
> >
> >Bob
> >
> If you have EVER ( even in a previous life,) bought anything from Victoria's
> Secrets,
> you get the pleasure of getting a catalog EVERY TWO OR THREE DAYS for the rest
> of your natural life.

Or, if you buy gifts at the same Victoria's Secretions, and you just
happen to meet up with the same blonde bombshell sales associate out at
one of your favorite bars a couple of times and buy her a few drinks, you
could even end up having first hand knowledge of what the gifts may look
like on the recipient rather than on the rack.......

To coin an acronym that is used in this forum quite often.....


Todd Candey                         The Composite Garage
271A Greenboro Ct.                       81 4k 5+5
Elk Grove Village, IL                        85 4ksq
60007               USA                          89 90q