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Re: UI Comment

Your brakes should haul that car to a stop from 60mph in 3 sec or less. To
put it another way they are dissapating about the same amount of energy
needed to propel it from 0-60 in 3 sec.  (about 600hp)

Think you better get those brakes fixed.

> From: Mike Miller <JoMi@msn.com>

> Gee, my '71 911 with ~160 hp stuck the throttle wide open in 2nd  - and
> certainly had enuf power to overcome the brakes!!!  I am not sure if the 
> brakes on the 91 200q would bring the car to a stop if one was doing
> 2500 rpm and hit WOT and the brakes. Not gonna try it either (I hope).
> mike miller  - seattle, wa
> 91 200q