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Re: To Do or Not To Do Da Valve's

At 02:22 PM 10/3/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Rob- DO DO the valves! Audis custimarily have enough valve guide wear 
>at 85K to justify the replacement. Especially if you are planning to 
>keep the car for a few more years!
>The bottom end will love you for it! The newly refurbished top end will
>make the motor run more smoother!

I missed the firs part of the thread, so I  don't know if I am taking this
out of context, so please don't singe me.  I am on my fourth Audi 5
cylinder, each with in excess of 125,000 miles (two in excess of 200,000)
and I have never had a valve problem, any major engine problem for that matter!

Dave Wright                                            davewrit@execpc.com
Texo Chemical Co. - The Specialty Chemical Professionals
Mequon, WI

'73 Norton 750 Commando USNOA#  9606
'75 Suzuki GT380
'76 Yamaha RD400
'79 BMW R100            BMWOA# 73724
'91 Audi 90 Quattro 20v