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RE: Harley Comments
I realize that this is not a Harley list (and I thank my lucky stars for
that every night), but since you guys brought ti up, I have to put my $.02
worth in.
Unfortunatly, I have A LOT of experience in the Harley field. Having
built, machined, destroyed, torn apart, spit on, countless Harley motors,
I can say with all confidence that they are, witout a doubt the worst
motor ever constructed by mankind! There are SOOOOOO many design flaws
that are built into them, that it is a wonder that they ever start! Now,
this is probably Ok for the latest generation of "trailer" bikers, but I
am still baffeled as to how they can possibly ask $20k for them. Actually,
the most supriseing part is that people are lined out the door to get one!
Then, after they are done shelling out $20k on the bike, they run out
and bolt another $4k worth of chrome junk onto it and proudly ride it 6
mile to their local sports bar!
Another good joke on the engineering socity is harleys latest fuel
injection system. They made NO modifications what so ever to make their
bikes fuel injected with the exception of sticking some
injectors in the intake maifold. The injectors are triggered by a piss
poor system that also triggers the spark plugs. What do you gain for your
$3500 FI option you ask...........a whopping 5HP!
The only shinning light is the fact that Harley turned to Porsche about
4 years ago to devolop a motor for their race bikes. They are V4, liquid
cooled, plain bearing, motor that have a total displacement of 2l and they
make 210hp. I have only seen pictures and is is REALLY nice, but that's
what I have come to expect from Porsche. An obvious sign that Harley
needed help from the beginning!
Sorry to waste the bandwidth, but I just couldn't resist another chance
to bad mouth Harley.
Laters, Ben
83' TQC #346
87' 4KCSQ
P.S. Yes, it is true that Harley is attempting to patent the Harley
"sound". From all that I have heard, they are having very bad luck with it
(seeing as how only 3 patents have EVER been issued for a sound).