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Re: helmet recomendations

Best bet is to check with the organization you intend to run with.  The
Club events I run will almost universally be switching to a SNELL 1990 SA
standard next year, with some possibly requiring a 1995 SA.  Note the "SA"
standard; this is an automotive race standard, unlike the "M" or motorcycle

As far as open face vs. closed, I think this is personal preference.  Closed
face naturally gives you better protection, but open face allows you to
I am not aware of any of the Porsche clubs that are mandating one style or
another, besides the "SA" rating.

As far as Kevlar, one benefit is reduced fatigue with the lighter helmet.
will be surprised at how tiring track events are; anything to reduce fatigue
is bound to be a benefit.

For what it's worth; I switched to a Simpson LX ('90 SA) when my Bell Mag4
('85 SNELL) didn't meet the club standards.  When I replace helmets again
I am going back to Bell; I feel the construction/fit/feel was much better.

In a message dated 96-10-04 23:04:21 EDT, you write:

 From: Reiner Fink <reinerf@microsoft.com>
 Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 17:28:11 -0700
 Subject: helmet recomendations
 Hi all,
 Before the 18th I need to purchase a helmet for driving at Portland with
 the NWRAQC. What I wanted to know is do I really need a full-face
 helmet, or will an open-face one suffice? I plan on taking my A4q to the
 track as much as possible (5 times/yr I'm guessing) and another step up
 is going to a kevlar helmet. Is the lower weight of kevlar worth the $70
 step up in price? Is kevlar safer as well? Right now I'm leaning toward
 the Bell mag4 (open-face), and am undecided on wether to spend the extra
 $$ for kevlar. TIA,