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Re: seat heaters

>Hi, Stephen:
>I noticed your posts re: seat heaters.  Recently both of mine died, and 
>it is starting to get cold here.  I devoted an entire afternoon to fixing 
>them on my 86 5k CD turbo (cloth seats).  The fabric has this tight cord 
>underneath the seat frame which keeps the fabric so tight, I can't remove 
>it. Nor could I find any way of loosening the cord.  Did you come across 
>this on your leathers?  I really want to get those things fixed, they are 
>a godsent when it is -40 degrees in the morning....

Ouch. I lived through -52°C once upon a night in my life.

My seats have cords and they have wires sewn on the perimeter and to the leather 
parts, that comprise the upholstery. There are also heavy gauge wires 
(3-4 mm DIA) embedded into the foam. the wire in the leather and the wire in the 
foam are being held together by the wire rings. It is a very tight fit. That is 
why the leather is sooo tightly stretched on the foam.

Watch your fingers! Nd get the good upholstery pliers. They look like needle nose, 
only have longitudinal grooves in them for holding and locking those nasty rings 
while the fabric is being stretched.
