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Re: RANT: Stupid gov't measures (low Audi content)

On Oct 7,  4:06pm, Tom Nas, DTP Direct bv wrote:

> Quite probably this will also be enforced by installing yet
> more speed cameras.

Ouch.  Those things are *awful*.  Took a trip up to
the CT River valley this weekend, and as soon as we crossed
into CT on I-95, the Valentine-1 started going bananas
and pointed out all of these nifty mini light poles
with radar antennae and cameras on them.  Yuck.

Does anyone know if CT uses these for issuing tickets,
or are they just a major nuisance?

We decided to take the Merrit Pkwy back to avoid the
radar noise... instead, we were treated to troopers
firing laser beams at us.  Man, CT is a battlefield!

Dan Masi
'96 A4Q