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Re: Is the Porsche 924 really an Audi?

> I would like your help to have a rumor confirmed or debunked.  I seem to
> remember hearing sometime ago that the engine in the Porsche 924 was =
> derived
> from an Audi truck engine. 

Glen comes Close... (Rudyard smiles, and keeps his cigars this time...)

> Dunno 'bout the truck connection, but the Porsche 924 engine was an Audi =
> engine and the entire 924 automobile was manufactured by Audi. The =
> Porsche 944 was also built by Audi but had a Porsche-designed engine =
> built under license from (Gasp!) I think it was mitsubitchy!

Designed *and* Built by Porsche, but built with Mistu-licensed, counter-rotating
balance shafts.

Yer Kindly ol' Unka Bart