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Re: Harley comment

Glen Powell, a man noted for his wit and perspicuity, not to mention his 
devastating good looks and full head of hair, is really going to be
angry when he finds out who has broken into his email account...

> Unless, of course, the others were mounted on Harleys instead of =
> motorcycles, in which case, we were never together more than 20 miles or so 
> (the limit of my tolerance for riding under 65 mph while travelling the open 
> Actually "instead of motorcycles" is not a good choice of words, but Yer 
> Kindly ol' Unka Bart can't seem to find a better way to convey the fact that
> Harley's are to M/Cs as a '50 Buick is to an Ur-Quattro.

> Ooooooooooh, thems fightin wurdz! Harleys and a very limited number of 
> others, Nortons, Ducatis, etc, are the *only* MOTORCYCLES. Those 
> two-wheeled machines of asian manufacture are nothing more than mere
> bikes.

Ooooooooooh, fightin' wirdz, indeed!  The shame of it, linking actual 
motorcycles and Harleys in the same sentence...

Now if one wanted to drag-race a harley against a Japanese scooter... Oh,
wait, we couldn't do that and run them heads-up.  They don't import anything
smaller than 250cc, do they?

> Have a nice NASCAR,

Oh boy, talk about *Jealous*... If only I'da thunk of that,!  Man, am I 

Very Sincerely Quattro,

Yer Kindly ol' Unka Bart