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Re: Driving "Panache"

In a message dated 96-10-07 20:21:33 EDT, you write:

> I spun (yes, a full
>360) a 1500pound E-mod Spitfire with 314hp, almost through the finish lights

>half way through 3rd gear, which in this particular car equates to approx
>75mph!  I almost had to change my shorts when I was done!  Fun though! 

Aaahh, memories!  I did one of those in my '74 Spitfire with perhaps one
quarter the horsepower of that nasty little beast.   Took me about 5 minutes
for my leg to stop shaking from the adrenalin enough work the clutch
properly.  'Course I did it on a bind corner I took WAY too fast on my
favorite back road near Holy Hill in southeastern Wisconsin.  A truly fitting
place for a religious experience.   With one slight movement of the right
foot I discovered the meaning of drop throttle oversteer with a swing axle.
 My wife won't ever hear this story if I ever want her to ride with me
through the twisties in my current '79 Spitfire.  

Hmmm, on second thought.....  "HEY HONEY, did ever tell you the one about the
time I spun my Spitfire and stopped three feet short of sliding off a one
hundred foot drop? (insert evil grin)"

-Steve Eiche
Audiholic, Adrenalin junky, Triumph owner