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Re: Oil Changing & Related Items

Gear box oil I agree 100%.

Motor oil I use a synthetic (Sunquest 5W-50) which is very good year-round. It
gives me good starts in the Montreal cold winters and great protection in the
hot summer days. I have been using it for 4 years now and I have had no 

I have also read how it compares to other oils as far a performance 
characteristics are concerned and in my opinion it was the best all around oil.

This info I picked up from a VW club similar to ours on the internet. If I find
it anywhere again, I will circulate it for all quattro guys to see.		

??????What is this about the Turbo oil filter???????????? I have an 89 200 TBQ
and I have never seen such a thing?  Does it exist on this model and where is	
it located?			
