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5K Oil Filter(s)

In message <60DEA245CC@agcom.tamu.edu> "Al Powell" writes:

>  varvarig@qc.bell.ca asked:
>> ??????What is this about the Turbo oil filter????????????
>> I have an 89 200TBQ and I have never seen such a thing?

> The early 5KT cars had two oil filters - one for the engine, one just 
> for the turbo oil circuit.  Great idea!!  But they dropped it before 
> your car.  The later models have only one oil filter.  Boo.

But that one filter should be a "turbo" filter.  Although all "turbo" seems to 
mean in this context is an anti-drainback valve.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club