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RE: Quick oil drain plug...

> ...It is simply a drain valve. You screw it in once, tightly. Then
> when it's time to change oil, you just flip the valve and all the
> oil drains out. Flip valve closed and refill. ...I have oil change time 
> down to 5 minutes...

I'm all for convenience, Butttttttttt, no way Jose on my car, no no no. 
I could just imagine a stick, a rock, a small animal, pushes on that
flip valve, and poof, I've traded 15-5 = 10 minutes of my admittedly
valuable time for........A NEW ENGINE...........

Uncomfortable with "sans-a-belt" trousers,
Glenn Lawton

EXACTLY why I would never use one. Sure, it's million-to-one chance, but, *I* would be the one-in-a-million!

