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  royal@bos.msmail.idx.com writes:

 Ro> Like I said, I'm no angel, but I feel that this person is a valuable 
 Ro> member of the list and I would hate to lose them.  I won't, because

     Totally disagree..haven't seen one post from this person worth
     even looking at...BUT, it really didn't bother me because I
     just ignored all posts with the senders name or irrelevant
     subjects. Cost me nothing, bothered me even less, and frankly
     this is the biggest "molehill to mountain" we've had on the
     list for quite a while. If those posts were to continue may
     as well have formed a newsgroup.
     My .02 $'s.

 Ro> BTW...if someone would like to see another very good list, check out
 Ro> the Ford SVT list...they're alot like us...which is pretty darn good
 Ro> most of the time.

     What's their email address/subscription command??? I have 2
     dorF Lightnings (overseas), and even joined the "Lightning
     Club" (for $30 I got ONE xeroxed mailer in the last year, I
     could have joined the Qclub for that..<cough>.)
     I know there are at least 2 other SVT'ers on this list.

     NO Audi content....make it quick..this nomex suit is making
     me sweat and the asbestos is getting itchy.


... My guns have killed fewer people than Ted Kennedy's cars.

 * Blue Wave/QWK v2.20 [NR] *