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Re: A4 1.8T

On Oct 11,  3:56pm, Edward T Spire wrote:

> The 1.8T is an entry level A4 with a four cylinder turbo engine.
> It's cheaper than the standard six cylinder A4 by virtue of
> being delivered with a lower trim level (no leather or wood,
> for example.)

I presume that the 1.8T engine itself is also a bit cheaper,
but that might not be the case.  Anyone?

> It has about 150HP, vs about 200HP for the (normally aspirated)
> six.

Ed, note that the current V6 is in the low 170's... the "about
200" is for the 5-valve V6, which we probably won't be seeing
until next summer, or '98 model year (?).

> But in that it's a turbo, it can easily be chip tuned!  Sounds
> like you could readily bring it above the six cylinder engine
> for way less than a grand, and for a few grand you can probably
> approach 300HP.

Someone here (I forget who, sorry) mentioned that in speaking
with Craig Jones at Schaumburg, they found that Schaumburg
has (or almost has) a supercharging kit for the 2.8 V6.
Does anyone know any details about this?

Dan Masi
'96 A4Q