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Re: Vacuum Leak

After changing one OXS in the V8 and 2 in the 100CS this year sure 
dont need any more. Wonder of I can sue maker of WD40 for my 
stupidity :o)  Used it for years too. Learn something new every day!
Been married 45 years and never been right there either.
New subj: My favorite Normal Rockwell is of a kid looking in candy store 
window where every goodie was a quarter and he had a couple of pennies. 
After looking at a million bucks worth of A8 and A4Q 1.8Ts at Univ. 
Audi last week I know the feeling...
Thanks much for the info,
> Sorry, but I think using  WD40 to hunt for vacuum leaks is a VERY bad idea.
> If I'm not mistaken, the oil in WD40 is a SILICONE.  SILICONEs contaimnate
> OXS sensors.  That's why we are now being warned not to use silicone
> sealants when installing OXS sensors.  Well, maybe if you want a reason to
> replace your OXS, it isn't such a bad idea. :-)
> BTW, read the label on your can of WD40.  The propellant is PROPANE!!!  I
> know of one source of professional auto repair info that has the mechanic
> search for vacuum leaks with an unlit propane torch.
> Happy motoring!
> Bob Wheeldon
> '90 V8Q
> Principal Engineer
> Boeing Commercial Airplanes
> robert a wheeldon@boeing.com
> rawaudi@frugal.com