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A4 1.8t vs A4 2.8
Greetings All,
Newbie to the list here. I've been a VW owner for 13 years (GTIs, GTI VR6
now) and drove an A4Q 2.8 recently... needless to say it's time to trade the VW.
My only negative comment -- bottom is a bit soft but after 3k rpm it is a
real pleasure to tach up. I gotta have one.
The dealer tells me a A4Q 1.8T will be available in November. After a
little research (EC magazine) it looks like the 1.8 possesses much potential
in the tuning department. Obviously, no seat time for me in a 1.8 car
yet... anybody have experience with the 1.8T overseas? I'm working my way
through the archives but have only found one message related to the 1.8T, it
too was a question, but I've found no response to it yet.
What do ya think folks? A4Q 2.8 or A4Q 1.8T w/ ABT V1 upgrade.
1.8T reliability?
I know naught about Audi so any info would be appreciated.
Don Pavlik -- vwnut@neosoft.com
http://www.neosoft.com/~vwnut (The VW Zone)
'95 Golf GTI VR6 -- wishing it were a syncro. Wake up VW!
Turn signals are not an accessory.