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Re: WD-40

In a message dated 96-10-15 00:24:41 EDT, you write:

<< It is my understanding that WD-40 was developed as a Water Displacing 
 fluid for protecting machined parts after fabrication and generally 
 for limiting rusting of wet surfaces.  Perhaps due to its ubiquity, it 
 is used by many as a lubricant, a function it performs poorly, IMHO. 
 It is also often used as a penetrating oil, a function better 
 performed by Kano's Kroil, I would argue.
Interesting stuff that WD....  Might agree that it is poor for putting in the
intake system(2.00 can of WD + 115.00 O2 = 117.00 prolly better spent another
way)....  Following a thread on the FJ motorcycle list on WD as well....  It
seems most O-ring chain manufacturers recommend only WD for chain cleaning
AND lubrication, nothing else....  So, not sure of your poor lubricant
