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RE: Which ECU mod, 91 200q
Without having experienced this for myself, there have been (recent)
reports of Hoppen not being interested in working with you unless you
have very deep pockets... Ned has always been very helpful to me even
though I have yet to actually purchase anything from him. I have met him
a couple of times in person and he's always been very nice and willing
to take time to answer questions or just chat. Oh, and I got a ride in
The Beast from him too, just by asking :-)
OK, so I'm a little biased...
Sorry about not providing any technical info for you...
- peter
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ekellock@juno.com [SMTP:ekellock@juno.com]
>Sent: Monday, October 14, 1996 6:39 PM
>To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: Which ECU mod, 91 200q
>I was all ready to call Ned and schedule the work (IA Stage 3). Then I
>spoke to Anderson Brothers of MN who said they prefer Hoppen. They said
>Hoppen imports the Audi Motorsports mod (??) and it can be had cheaper.
>They said Ned's goes for more boost (and $$) but has to use more retard.
>I guess I don't understand the problem with this as long as the engine is
>still protected.
>This will be the only power mod I'll do and I would like to understand
>the difference between these two different products. I am happy with the
>basic nature of the power and don't want to change that, I just want...
>Ed Kellock
>Lansing, IA
>91 200qw - Indigo blue, titanium leather
>87 gt coupe - Alpine white, white leather, TSW Evo's