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Re: A4 = Passat?
At 03:36 PM 10/15/96 -0700, you wrote:
Well, I just looked it up in Road and track Road Test Summary in the back.
Audi A4 automatic 0-60: 9.3 sec; top speed: 130 limited; 1/4 mile 17 sec
VS Passat GLX auto: 0-60:9.5 sec 1/4 mile: 17.2 top speed 130 limited.
Seems the same to me? I would go for an Audi all the way because of the
4wheel drive and I think it looks nicer. I also like the rims it has a lot.
>Martin Gruby writes:
>> Which car is faster??
>> >> So is the A4 just a higher level of trim and suspension than the base
>> >> Passat, but otherwise the same car?
>> >
>> >No. The A4 is not the same as the current Passat. The Passat is
>> >a larger car than the A4. The "narrow-angle 172hp 2.8L V6" in the
>> >Passat (GLX) is VW's 15-degree VR6 engine, which is transversely
>> >mounted. The A4 2.8 uses Audi's 90-degree V6, and is longitudinal.
>> >It is interesting that both of these engines make the same horsepower
>> >(172hp), but the Audi's engine has more torque (184lb-ft @ 3000rpm vs.
>> >173lb-ft @ 4500rpm).
>The FWD A4 probably weigh about the same (perhaps slightly less than)
>the Passat GLX, so I would guess that they would have similar
>accelerative performance. Audi rates the 0-60mph of the A4 (manual
>trans) at 7.8 seconds. I am not sure what the factory rating is
>for the Passat GLX. Top speed for the A4 is electronically goverened
>at 130mph.
>96 A4 quattro
>84 5000S Turbo
>80 4000
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