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Re: Unit conversion (low Audi cont)

-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

>>What is metric for 1 hour (U.S.)?  What is 14:00 in Europe?
> Metric? Hours? These are non-metric units... 14:00 is two o'clock in the
>  afternoon (2 PM).
The metric houre is 1/20th of a day.  10 per half day... 100 minutres to the
houre.  There are 1.38_ minutres to the medieval minute.
>>How do you convert colors to metric (beyond spelling it "colours")?
>  There are several colour standards. RAL comes to mind, it's a German
>  colour system, and Pantone Matching System (PMS)
They must be washed out into grey tones and then recolourized by a committee
at the EC.
>What's the metric equivalent of a decibel?
Bels are metric already.  The absolute scale for noise ranges from 0 to
about 130 deciBels (dB), much above which will make you deaf very quickly. 
This is a relative scale.
>  Tom.

>PS There's one question on this conversion theme that just popped up here:
how do you convert deg >F to deg C? 

deg C = (deg F - 32)*5/9; deg F = (deg C * 9/5)+32

the Fahrenheit scale was an accident, he marked the tube of glass 0 to 100
without first calibrating it to something sensible..  The Celsius or
Centigrade scale is calibrated with 0 = water freezing and 100 = water
boiling, at 1 bar.  The Kelvin scale uses Celsius degrees but puts 0 at
absolute zero, 273 deg below Celsius 0.

Can we be done with this now?  Most civilised parts of the world adopted the
Metric system decades ago and all that remains are the U.S., strangely using
the Imperial system of a nation whose yoke was thrown off 220 years ago....
Now we have all our wonderful "hybrid" cars. built in Japan and US of mixed
parts with both systems of fastener on them.

Maybe that's why I like German cars....

Someone asked the other day - why are *all* wheel rims measured in inches?

Someone else may well ask - when will Huw ever say anything about Audis