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In message <19961015200624937.AAA195@randolph2e1-30.megsinet.net> grubster@megsinet.net (Martin Gruby) writes:

> Does Audi Still make a Ur-quattro?

No.  Stopped in 1991.

> If so what does it look like? Is it just a coupe quattro like the one they
> had in the states in the early 90's with a turbo?  Or does it have the
> older body style?

It looks like (but isn't) a 1980 4000 coupe with flared arches.  There are, 
however,  more detailed differences than similarities.

It was once described as having the aerodynamics of a housebrick.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club