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In message <6233190917101996/A06719/CSAV10/11AA8A532000*@MHS.minedu.govt.nz> Dave Eaton writes:

> the other dead give-away with ur-quattro's are the drivers.  usually driven 
> by a hoon with a maniacal grin and a contempt for what others perceive to 
> be normal road behaviour...

You will find (should you be, or become a member of, the UK quattro Owners Club 
and see the Newsletter, or see someone else's copy) that barely a month goes by 
without some reference to my driving habits.

August 1996, Area B report:
   "Phil is the chap who procured an Audi microfiche reader from an American
    air base.  Judging by the speed he passed me on the way to Hickling, he
    also got a good deal on a F16 jet engine."
October 1996, Area E report:
   "Also hope you enjoyed the meeting as well, Rolf - I hope enough beer
    was drunk to survive the return journey with Phil." 

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club