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Re: Engine mounts on 5000/200 I5's

Scott (non- PDQSHIP) asked:

>Scott (PDQSHIP),
>Regarding the front engine mount on the I5's, do you know how much
>clearance there should be between the rubber donut and the front sheet metal 

The general rule of thumb: you are supposed to be able to run a finger around, 
between the rubber mount and the "horse shoe" on the front subframe. 

>When you said "it is there to keep the front oriented only". Can you clarify when 
>it is keeping the front oriented?

To prevent the counter torque of the block.
It's there for you not to have to replace the hood if one of the engine mounts 
fails AND you decide to drop-release the clutch @4000 rpm from a stoplight trying 
to put The Ultimate Bragging Machine where it belongs: admiring the elegant shape 
of an Audi's a**. 

Igor Kessel, Phila PA, USA
"Why would anyone in the right state of mind buy just a car,
when the mankind has invented a QUATTRO!"