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RE: My dealer fudged the date?

hmmmmmmmm...i just checked my card and the exp date is 3/30/99...btw, i took delivery of my car on 3/29...i guess they gave me an extra day...

From: 	CBryan9295@aol.com[SMTP:CBryan9295@aol.com]
Sent: 	Saturday, October 19, 1996 1:20 AM
To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: 	Re: My dealer fudged the date?

In a message dated 96-10-18 15:21:27 EDT, you write:

<< I was just going through some documents, and noticed that
 the expiration date on my Audi Roadside Assistance card
 says "5/31/99".  It should be 36 months, and I took delivery
 of my A4Q on June 10, 1996.  Yeah, I know, it's just ten
 days.  But since Audi has a toll-free number, I figured I'd
 give them a call and ask why the assistance date is ten
 days short.  Well, they look up my car and tell me that
 they have the warranty in-service date listed as 5/31/96.
 I told them that I didn't take delivery on the car until
 6/10/96, and they told me that only my dealer can make any
 date changes.
 So, now I'm gonna call the dealer.  But I'm curious...
 do we think that they reported an earlier delivery date
 to get the delivery back into the previous quarter? >>

Our dealer did this exact same scenario.  We purchased our '93 90Q on October
1, 1993.   The dealer requested to use September 30 for the delivery date.
 They were one car short for the quarter to obtain some Audi dealer
prestigious award.  Needless to say both parties came out ahead on the deal
(Dealer got $$$$$$ from the award and we got a car for below dealer invoice).

Curtis Bryan
'93 90Q