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Re: UK Club Jackets
>Existing members will be trusted. Send an order either to
>my email address, or to Roger via the Demon fax server.
>We'll want to see some money before we ship, but we'll
>accept an order from a club member in good faith and
>proceed on that basis.
>Those who aren't already members ... I don't know.
>Anyone fancy doing _another_ collection job? Dave?
Ok, you've twisted my arm. I'll again volunteer for the
collection point. Let me do some checking with phil as to
what is needed and how to pay again. I don't want to spend
too much of my money again, so I will check over the stated
costs so we know the baseline. Also anyone interested
in a 1997 membership let me or phil know.
And from Dan S., our listmeister,
>Guys, could you please not use my list for this?
>If you want to make a general statement about the UK
>club, fine, but this is getting to be a bit much.
What's up? Are there some new content rules which have
been passed since I last received the list instructions on
>From the message which I read 3 times and saved:
>quattro is a list for Audi *enthusiasts*. You need not own
>an Audi to join the list, nor must you own specifically own a
>quattro model, though many list members do. Anything
>and everything about Audis can be discussed, from
>problems to features, where to get parts and so forth.
One would assume an overseas purchase of quattro
leisureware would fall under the realm of "anything and
everything about Audis".
Getting a bit much? There has been <10 notes generated
on this subject, nowhere near the volume of the K-run thread.