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Re: 1.8T seat options - according to Kelly Blue Book

RE: Jacquard Satin 

My special edition '87 4KCSq came with this covering for the seats and door
panels.  Often it is referred to as the "quattro stitch" though the
material on the A4 does not have the word "quattro" stitched in as mine
does. I highly recommend it as 1) it cleans well 2) after 180k mi. as a
daily driver mine is still perfect no rips tears etc. really holds up. Yes
there is a shine to it like an old suit develops.  My guess is this was
more common material in Europe than the U.S. 

If you order the Sport option on the A4 this is, as I understand, the only
seat material available. I'd order the Sport option just to get it.