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old Audi TQC postcards

In message <v01510101ae951d63f254@[]> smarinel@neosoft.com (Steve Marinello) writes:

> >Hello! Hello? HELLO??!!
> > OK mister! You'd better have a mighty damn good excuse other than you've been
> >piled for not writing to me....Well? I'm waiting.....No, please let me
> >guess....

[teenage rant snipped]

> Come clean, Phil!  Who's Jenni and what is she SOOOO upset about?  And why
> was her reply tied to the postcards thread?

Jenni is my fourteen-year-old daughter, who, it would appear, is pissed
off with one of her fair-weather correspondents on AOL.

How her text came to replace mine in that post - I know not.  We have a
five-station Warp Connect LAN here, and it looks like some simultaneous
update bug hit us at exactly the right (wrong) moment.

My apologies for the spam to the list.  We will endeavour to ensure
it does not happen again.

 Phil Payne

 (phil@sievers.com, despite what the bounces say.  If I don't
  reply, your message is probably still stuck on a Demon punt.)

 Phone: +44 385302803  Fax: +44 1536723021  CIS: 100012,1660