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Re: Pagid Brakepads vs MetalMasters?

> I am about to have my brake pads changed on my 5000CS TQW. I had heard 
> and read on this list that Repco (now Axis?) MetalMasters were the *only* 

Yes, now Axxis.

> way to go. In calling one of the list recommended parts suppliers he said 
> to use Pagid, a German brand of pads. He said that "once you use 
> MetalMasters you will never want to use them again,"
> that they were too hard, noisy and wore out rotors prematurely.

I've had MMs for a few months (strictly street driving).  Overall,
I don't regret buying them; once warm they stop better than stock,
and are not expensive, noisy, or dusty.  But they are nothing spectacular.