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Metal Masters

The Hon. Andrew Duane USG/PE <duane@zk3.dec.com> said:

> I'll second (heartily) the recommendation for Repco Organics.
> The metalmasters are too hard for a daily driver (that first,
> cold stop is tough). I run the organics all around in my 100Q,
> and they are great. Smooth, quiet, totally dust-free, predictable.
> Everything you want in a street car.

I must cite different experience from my esteemed list-friend Andrew. 
I'm running MetalMasters on all four corners, and I have no problem 
with stopping whether brakes are on the first stop of the day or not. 
The pads are quite, not temperature-sensitive, and although not 
dust-free, they do create a good deal less dust than the stock pads. 
Frankly, I like the MetalMasters a LOT for street driving!

OTOH, if Andrew says the Organics are good, you can count on it.  
(Unless it was his cat typing when he was out of the room....)
> Like Steadiric (?) said, don't take them to the track, though....

I would agree.  Having run five laps on the TX World Speedway with 
my 1990 200 shortly after the Metal Masters were installed, I was 
surprised by the stink of brakes.  For a track application, I would 
seek Eric's advice on Pagids.  For street driving, the Repcos are 

Al Powell                        Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      

Saunders' Slant: "If it's worth doing, it's worth hiring someone
 who knows how to do it."