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RE: 10v 5cyl clunk sound....ideas...

It could be a cracked exhaust manifold. I had mine welded on my 83' Ur-q a 
couple of months ago. It was doing a clicking noise when cold....


From: 	owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of RCARSELLE@aol.com
Sent: 	Thursday, October 24, 1996 7:25 PM
To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: 	10v 5cyl clunk sound....ideas...


First let me thank everyone again who provided support and humour in the
dealing with the insurance on the 88 5KCSTQ repairs......now to my current

my 90 90 front wheel drive 10v 5Cyl engine has always had the typical Audi
lifter noise...118K miles, always run Redline, or Mobil 1 oil 10W or 15W full
synth's... the engine has been great....still runs great...
When the engine is cold, there is a periodic clunk or clack coming from the
somewhere in the block..seems louder than a lifter...heck I wish it sounded
like a lifter but it sounds harsher.....the sound is mostly noticed on clutch
in between shifts when the rev's drop.... I can re-create by moving throttle
plate by hand while listening and searching for the noise under the hood so I
do not think it is tranny related...... I am stumped and nervous..anyone have
any ideas ? I hope to hear from you engine guys out there; my father (also on
this list) thought it was lifter but upon 2nd review......well he's nervous
Hey I'll buy dinner for the Audinaut which diagnoses this one..I can provide
more details via private mail (didn't want to clutter the list)
Please provide any feedback to help troubleshoot
90 90 - clacks when cold
88 5KCSTQ - new exhaust, bumper coming soon
Rob Carselle - Columbus, OH